Welcome to SoMART

The home for Solanaceae miRNA/tasiRNA Analysis Resources and Tools.

Please choose a tool below.

Slicer Detector Detect small RNAs that can potentially target your gene of interest from sRNA-seq libraries in potato, tomato, and tobacco.

dRNA Mapper The degradome RNA-seq (dRNA-seq) library from wild type potato, tomato, and tobacco are available for detecting cleavage product from your gene of interest.

preMIR Detector Detect genetic loci or precursor sequences of your input small RNA and determine if they can fold into MIR structures.

sRNA Mapper The small RNA (sRNA-seq) libraries from potato, tomato, and tobacco are available for detecting and mapping sRNAs produced from your gene of interest in each species.

SMART Compare Compare results from Slicer Detector and dRNA mapper and retrieve slicers supported by dRNA reads mapped to the predicted cleavage sites. Note: the input should be derived from analysis of the same gene sequences by Slicer detector and dRNA mapper using databases from same species.